Install Instructions:


First download the lastest version of Dave by clicking the button in the navbar or the one below.

Download (External Host)
Extract and Move

Now extract the zip and move Dave into your home directory. You can find your home directory by making a new finder window and going to: File, Go, Home.

Check Python

Now check that python3 is installed by typing python3 and making sure the terminal comes up with "Python 3.7.3" as shown in the gif. Now type exit().


Now open a terminal window and type vim .bash_profile and press enter. Now type i and copy and paste the following: alias dave="python3 ~/dave-master/". Now press esc and type :wq and finish by pressing enter.

Run Dave

Open a new terminal window. You should now be able to run Dave simply by typing dave into the command line. When you run Dave for the first time he will take some time to install all the modules required so be patient.


You can now update Dave to the latest version simply by typing update inside Dave and he will automatically update to the newest version.

Designed by Alex Hawking in Australia : Handmade Studios :